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Dualistic Fields of Shadow.jpg
Dualistic Fields of Light.jpg
©BHFA 2023 All rights reserved


Shadow Field / Light Field - A diptych series

24"x  24" canvas

Mixed media: acrylic paint and adhesive with cut-up ads from luxury fashion magazines.

Print productions TBD

Before I was to fulfill my childhood dream of being a working artist, like many, I endured some very dark and painful events in my life. Through faith and dedication, I was able to experience a new life filled with light. Experiencing both sides of this spectrum, it raised questions deep within my psyche that were rooted within my subconsciousness — Would we ever truly understand what it‘s like to be triumphant without experiencing struggle? Could we truly appreciate rest without endurance?  How would one know what it's like to experience pure joy without experiencing any painful events? What is hot without cold, light without dark, day without night, the sun without the moon? This powerful observation inspired me to depict this representation of duality by creating this diptych-style series.


Over the course of 13 months, I meticulously crafted these paper paintings. Before cutting and laying down each piece of paper grass, blade by blade, I hand-wrote hundreds of quotes onto the canvas. 


Words are powerful catalysts for energy, the quotes serve as a conduit for infusing these potent energies into my paintings. I often embed writings underneath my work, it is something I’ve done intuitively but randomly in other works I’ve created.  With this series, I was more methodical. 


Each piece of art has been activated with thought-provoking quotes about each side of the light/dark. I have studied and explored various literary works on spirituality and philosophy, and I noticed a common theme—dualism/polarity.  


I have included quotes surrounding the theme of duality from current and historical psychology figures, theological sources, philosophical and esoteric teachings, biblical scriptures, and other ancient/spiritual texts, as well as quotes from hermetic and alchemical literature. The quotes will be unveiled solely to the buyers/collectors of the series (and myself) in order to preserve a sense of exclusivity.


My favorite quote written that I will share: “As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.” — This Carl Jung quote illuminates the essence of this series. In addition to quotes, the skyline is also a node to the theme of duality, because even after the darkest night; the sun will always rise. 


Both of the subjects featured display heterochromia, a condition that causes one to have two different colored eyes. I felt called to incorporate this symbolism as another rendition pertaining to dualism. It is believed by many ancient cultures that having heterochromia allows one access to see into both heaven and earth at the same time through different colored eyes. 


Lastly, the figures themselves represent our subconscious at its rawest capacity. I created the figures in their nude form as a way of honoring the healing of the authentic self that lies balanced between our conscious and subconscious minds.

©2023 Brianna Hart Fine Art | All rights reserved

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